
Add picture to pdf
Add picture to pdf

Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) (this.GetType(), "myscript", "window.open('reports/" + strFileShortName + "','_blank','location=0,menubar=0,status=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0') ", true) XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(pdfWrite, docWorkingDocument, srdDocToString) addLogo.SetAbsolutePosition(0, - 100) docWorkingDocument.Add(addLogo) SrdDocToString = new StringReader(strHtml) ĪddLogo.ScaleToFit(128, 37) addLogo.Alignment = _RIGHT PdfWrite = PdfWriter.GetInstance(docWorkingDocument, new FileStream(strFileName, FileMode.Create)) docWorkingDocument = new (4.Rotate(), 1, 1, 0, 0) String strFileName = ("reports\\" + strFileShortName) String strFileShortName = "test" + + ".pdf" addLogo = default() addLogo = (Server.MapPath("Images") + "/logo.gif") Server.Execute("TestReport.aspx", strWriter) StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter() MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream() Protected void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) If you are including an image in an HTML page that you are exporting to PDF with iTextSharp, then you’ll quickly see that iTextSharp will not include the image from the traditional HTML

add picture to pdf

Adding your Image Programmatically while Generating your PDF

add picture to pdf

NET libraries then have a look at some of the other articles covering iTextSharp I have written on the topic.

add picture to pdf

If you are interested in working with the iTextSharp.

  • Adjusting your image scaling so it renders nicely in your PDF.
  • Adding your image programmatically while generating your PDF.
  • Here are the main categories I’ll be covering, with links to the appropriate section: I’ll show you the code for doing so in both C# and VB.NET. This article will review the basics of programmatically inserting and positioning an image in a PDF being generated using the iTextSharp library.

    Add picture to pdf