The Modules will only provide Passive Bonuses be cause their can’t cast spells anyway. If their have a unique combat style that disable shouting and magic casting (Often Dualwielding Follower). While Valmari can use all of the Module effect and archetype like Healer will heal and buff dragonborn or Blade dancer that cast bound weapon when equipped, other follower even not nature spell caster like Lydia can use other Modules perfectly.(With Custom Follower. – Valmari RPG-Class Module system is a set of shield like equipment when equip will add passive stats like health,stamina,magic resist, amour rating and spells to the user base on the theme of the Module. (Her bodyslidePreset already include in the mod Under name that have word “Valmari” you can seacrh it in Bodyslide) – Hope you like her and have fun playing game. – Her Location is Sleeping Giant Inn Riverwood. This is my follower mod design by me and my SkyrimVNGroup ideal. (English Grammar is my worst enemy so if i make some typing mistake, hope you can still understand it) (Her Face and CBBE body Preset mod will be release soon!) Generic follower like Lydia can use some module to become more effect in combat.

All Module has upgrade system to increase power or add new spells. With Class-Module System Valmari can be Healer-Mage-SpellSword-DragonKnight-Cryomancer-BladeDancer by your choice. Valmari – Unique Follower With RPG-Class Module System